Clients We Serve

Old Lighting Means WASTED Money.
Fluorescents, metal halide and high-pressure sodium lighting all incur high monthly costs from powering to maintenance.
Everyone knows they need to upgrade to high efficiency, intelligent lighting, but the capital outlay for large facilities can be prohibitive. That’s where we come in.
We Do All The Work
1. Free savings analysis

Find out if your facility qualifies for our lighting rebates. It only takes a couple of minutes for us to count your lights.
2. Professional installation
If your facility qualifies for a rebate we can move forward and schedule an installation date. Even if you need it done on weekends, at night, or even during holidays, we're ready to do the job.
3. We handle maintenance
You choose the product and whatever you choose, rest assured it's warrantied for at least five (5) years.
Lighting is boring, we get it…
So, here’s a customer who chose to go with another brand of light and contractor because it was about 2% cheaper. Not even two years later, boom, water intrusion and corrosion in almost all fixtures.
If this customer had Lighting as a Service, Ecoledco would have maintained those fixtures at no costs to the customer (although, perhaps more importantly, our lights wouldn’t have any corrosion or water intrusion).
In short, it’s penny-wise-pound-foolish to save a few thousand and have 70% of your fixtures go out for what must be at least $80,000 in damage.

Cost of operating 3,687 old lights
$360,073 / yr
2,250,456 kWh
Cost of operating 3,687 new LEDs
$145,713 /yr
910,707 kWh
Energy Saving Lights in 2023 — Highland Hospital
Highland Hospital reached out looking to save money and reduce maintenance overhead and we were happy to help. Over the course of several site visits, our lighting technicians built a comprehensive upgrade plan for the facility’s thousands of lights.
In the end, Highland Hospital is saving 1.1 Million kWh (that’s enough to power 10 homes) and $200,000+ a year.
Now Highland can use those resources on things that are really important — like caring for their patients.